Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Reshma Henna


Hi Guys!

Today I want to talk about Henna Dye and my experience with it. Growing up my mom always told me to NEVER dye my hair. She had never done it so I never questioned her. A couple of years ago I dyed the ends of my hair for fun but only did that because I was getting ready to cut it. Other than that time I've never dyed by curly black hair. I've heard that your hair is never the same once you have dyed it and that's not something I want to put my hair through right now.

If you follow me on instagram then you've seen me post about my gray hair. I first started seeing them when I was 19 and it became an issue when I was 21/22 (I'm 25). Sadly, this is something my dad has passed on to me and my brother. When I was 21 I started plucking them out since they were only my bangs. At the moment I didn't see an issue with plucking but I eventually realized that if I continued to pluck them I would eventually get bald spots so I stopped. I discovered theBalm's hair mascara which I'll talk about in a different post. That worked for awhile until there started being more grays than I could touch up.

Since my grays were getting out of control and I didn't want to damage my hair with dye I decided I would let the grays grow out and I would TRY to embrace them. My best friend told me it shows character and her brother told me I looked like Rogue from X-Men and thought it was really cool (he wanted me to dye a full streak so it would be just like Rogue). So here I am trying to embrace this new look and my boss tells me that I've been showing a lot of gray hair lately and I started with my schpeel...."yea, i know. I get it from my dad. I'm scared to dye it" She told me she grayed early too but that she heard henna is a good alternative. When I went home that day I was googled henna dye and I kept seeing that Lush carried henna in a solid block form. I read mixed reviews and was unsure if I should buy it. I ended up holding off on it until I could go to the store and ask an associate about it.

Fast forward a couple days later. I went to Sallys to buy things I really didn't need. I was walking around the store looking for more things to buy and ended up in the aisle with the dyes. I ended asking the associate if they sold any and she took me to a different aisle I tried asking her about the product since I was a bit nervous but she said she was not too familiar with it. They had black, midnight blue, and a red. What she did say is that she heard that this didn't make you hair bleed. I swear I felt like the emoji with the heart eyes. When I had dyed my ends I didn't know that the color would bleed onto my towels and clothes (I ended up ruining a bunch of shirts and cardigans)! That day I bought the Reshma Henna in Natural Black box to try at home.

Keep Reading to see my results....

Monday, June 22, 2015

Nature Box Trial Box


Welcome back guys!

About two and a half weeks ago I showed you guys that I had ordered a trial box of nature box. It's a free box but you have to pay $2 shipping. I thought this was a great way to see if this would be something I would like to continue. The trial box comes with one full size snack and 4 individual pouches. The full size box is $19.95 shipped and contains 5 full size snacks ending up to be about $4 a bag or less if you think about how much shipping cost would have cost you.

My trial box consisted of a full size cocoa almonds, sweet blueberry almonds, cranberry medley, jalapeno cashews, and masa chips. I've only tried half of the snacks and only took pictures of the almonds but haven't been disappointed.

The trial box is only $2. 

dark cocoa almonds

I liked it so much I went ahead and ordered a regular box. When you order the trial you don't get to choose what you get but if you subscribe to Nature Box you completely customize your box. To get your $2 trial box simply go to the Nature Box website.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Rocks Box

PR Sample

Hey Guys!

Today I want to talk to you about Rocks Box. Rocks Box is a one of a kind $19 jewelry subscription. When you sign up, you take a quiz about your style and preferences. The outcome of that quiz will help your stylist pick three jewelry pieces they think you'll enjoy. You can also help your stylist out by connecting your Instagram account to your Rocks Box account and hashtag wishlist to whatever pieces you like on their profile. Doing so will give them an idea of what you prefer.

As you can see I put the rings on my #wishlist.

The unique thing about Rocks Box is that this is a jewelry rental subscription service. I know, you're probably thinking "I'm paying for something I can't keep"? The answer is yes AND no. You pay $19 a month for a box with 3 designer jewelry pieces. The cool thing about it is that you can keep them or return the items whenever you get tired of them.

Let's say, you get your first box and you end up loving every item. You can wear it all month long and ship it back in the prepaid envelope when you're ready. If you love it so much that you want to keep it, you can purchase it for a discounted price. Just send back the pieces you don't want to purchase and they'll charge you for the piece you kept. Not only will you be able to purchase the item for a discounted price but you will also get an additional $10 off. You see, $10 of the $19 you pay gets put in your account to use for that month. Pretty neat isn't it?

If you find that you do not love the pieces you received or want to get something else, simply return it in the prepaid envelope. Rocks Box will send you a new box as soon as they receive the one you sent back. You can do this as many times as you would like. One thing to note is that the boxes get shipped from San Francisco, CA the number of days it takes to receive your box will vary depending on where you live.

Want to see what was in my box?