Wednesday, November 19, 2014

100 Days of Empties: 13-20

This week's empties are a little late. I didn't think I would be able to finish any this week but so far I'm ahead.

Monday, November 10, 2014

100 Days of Empties: 1-12

This week I have 12 empties to show you. Not bad for my first week. I will list some information on the products such as the price, where you can find it, if I finished the product, and if I would repurchase the item. If you have any questions or have tried these products comment below and let me know how you liked them.

Empties 1-12 out of 100

Sunday, November 9, 2014

100 Days Of Empties

Hi ladies,
If you're active in the beauty community on instagram I'm sure you've seen the 100 days of empties or 100 days of beauty hashtag. Some beauties have been doing this as a way to get through items and at the same time using it as a 100 day no buy. For those unfamiliar with "no buys" it's when you don't buy any beauty related/unnecessary items for whatever time frame you choose. No buys are too hard for me to do and 100 days seems almost impossible especially because the holidays are right around the corner. For me, the 100 days of empties will be used as a reminder to use products I just have laying around. If I don't use it they will eventually expire and that is a waste of money. So.... I plan on finishing 100 products by February 17, 2015 and posting a weekly picture on my instagram. In addition, I will be posting a little more information on those empties here on my blog. I don't know about you but I like seeing what people have used up to see if it's something that can work for me or let me know that a product is not worth purchasing. I hope you guys join me for this 100daysofempty journey. Tag me in your empties on instagram. I want to see what you guys finish! :)